Posts Tagged ‘instruction’

Remember this doodle?

time-lapse doodle drawing


And the accompanying time-lapse video here:



The challenge went out to hundreds of doodlers in the Facebook group, For the Love of Doodling, to create their own version of this doodle. I’m so happy to share the great variety of results!

The following works of art are © by the names listed beneath each.

Random doodle challenge

by Cathy Stewart

random doodle challenge

by Chris Gerstner

random doodle challenge

by Karen Ann Chiu

random doodle challenge

by Jackie R Wright

Random doodle challenge

by Jackie R Wright

random doodle challenge

by Marie Quatre-Poches

I love every one of them and am honored you liked this challenge enough to participate and share! Comment below if there’s another doodle on this site you’d like to see a tutorial, prompt or challenge for.

I always hear, “I love to doodle but I’m just not good at it. I never know what to draw.” I have come up with a solution! May I present (duh duh DAH!) Doodle Prompts. Give it a try (for real) and let me know if it helps you at all.

Start by watching this time-lapse video to get a better feel for the process. Watch how I skip around the page a bunch. This is because I will be doodling along and feel that a particular area needs some solid black. Then I’ll notice that I haven’t used a certain element in another area and I’ll go add some of that. Sometimes, I’ll pause to look at it, even squinting my eyes, to see if it feels balanced. Don’t get caught up in tiny details. Every now and then, throw in something big and then work tiny details in around it.

Then use these tutorials to get the basic elements down. (You have my permission to print the following two images/pages. Just click on them to go full size. Then print.)

Doodle art drawing prompt elements by Heidi Denney

Use this starter page to get you going. Once you’ve tried it using this prompt, start a fresh drawing on nice paper.

Doodle art drawing prompt starter page by Heidi Denney

Here’s how my doodle turned out. 🙂 

Doodle drawing sharpie art VisceraPhantasma by Heidi Denney

I really want to see your drawings from this doodle prompt. Message me with a picture of your final work. heidimarie.artist [@] gmail [com] I’d like to create a post in a few weeks with all your drawings but if you’d rather I don’t share yours, just let me know. If this was helpful to you, leave me a comment. If you have any suggestions, leave me a comment.

Now doodle!

So I helped teach this doodle art class at the library nearby and we had all the students take a section of the page and fill it in. This is the end product. Pretty cool, right?

Doodle Art Class Sharpie Drawing