Posts Tagged ‘time-lapse’

The girls wanted to get in on the time-lapse video deal so I made these videos of them. Show them some love!

Kalam is 10 years old, loves to sing, draw and perform. I particularly like the freckles and the bold red background.


Sylaris is also 10 years old, loves to drum, draw and dance hip hop. I love the little “me” label and the fact that she penciled it our before finalizing in Sharpie.

Hello everyone! I just want to thank you all for sharing the love. I’ve been inundated with new followers here and on my Youtube channel. I just can’t thank you enough for your support.

I’ve been quite distracted by my new job lately (the best job ever!) so I haven’t had a plethora of direction when it comes to doodling. If there’s anything you would like to see – a tutorial for anything in particular, more videos, more prompts – let me know! Thank you!

A quick little ditty.

I recently discovered a few older time-lapse videos that you should see soon. This one, however, was made just the other day. Easy peasy doodle. Enjoy!

Unemployment sucks. Let’s take advantage of it by doodling our brains out.

time-lapse doodle art

Phew… this one took me a while. Pretty much all week. I hope you enjoy it. I tried a few different zooms on the video this time. Let me know if you prefer the wide angle where you can see the whole drawing or the close-ups so you can see all the details.

time-lapse doodle drawing


I always hear, “I love to doodle but I’m just not good at it. I never know what to draw.” I have come up with a solution! May I present (duh duh DAH!) Doodle Prompts. Give it a try (for real) and let me know if it helps you at all.

Start by watching this time-lapse video to get a better feel for the process. Watch how I skip around the page a bunch. This is because I will be doodling along and feel that a particular area needs some solid black. Then I’ll notice that I haven’t used a certain element in another area and I’ll go add some of that. Sometimes, I’ll pause to look at it, even squinting my eyes, to see if it feels balanced. Don’t get caught up in tiny details. Every now and then, throw in something big and then work tiny details in around it.

Then use these tutorials to get the basic elements down. (You have my permission to print the following two images/pages. Just click on them to go full size. Then print.)

Doodle art drawing prompt elements by Heidi Denney

Use this starter page to get you going. Once you’ve tried it using this prompt, start a fresh drawing on nice paper.

Doodle art drawing prompt starter page by Heidi Denney

Here’s how my doodle turned out. 🙂 

Doodle drawing sharpie art VisceraPhantasma by Heidi Denney

I really want to see your drawings from this doodle prompt. Message me with a picture of your final work. heidimarie.artist [@] gmail [com] I’d like to create a post in a few weeks with all your drawings but if you’d rather I don’t share yours, just let me know. If this was helpful to you, leave me a comment. If you have any suggestions, leave me a comment.

Now doodle!

I started this doodle art drawing and… kind of liked it. So I decided, even after starting the doodle, to do a time lapse video. I haven’t done one in a while because… you know… it requires effort. Please accept my apologies for a sorta half time lapse video of a not-my-best doodle drawing.

hahaha I really sold you on this one, didn’t I?


Later, in another post maybe, I’ll share the final image. But for now, discover it through the video.

I’ve had a little obsession with time-lapse photography for quite a while now but it had fizzled out when I had no practical use for it. I just tried it out again while drawing one of my doodles and… my obsession is burning strong again! I can no longer draw without a camera over my shoulder. haha However, I will work on better lighting. Our living room has one lamp. Bleh. And without getting all official and stuff with a desk (which would make this very much like work instead of play), I’ll work the best I can with what I’ve got. Enjoy!

Doodle art pattern illustration black and white